Heading out west to visit friends in Denver, CO and Laramie, WY, I've been pleasantly surprised to find thriving boxed gardens! Considering the dramatically harsh climate and growing season, I'm totally impressed!The Sully Street Garden is brimming with veggies, most of which I haven't tried growing. Lettuces, tomatoes, potatoes, zucchini, broccoli, chili peppers and herbs are all making their way to harvest. The growing season in Laramie is short, but a lot can happen in a little time.

The Sully Street Garden is complete with a compost pile and a water barrel collecting rainwater from the roof. How perfect. Next step for the garden: cold frame on the deck to protect plants from the tough, long WY winter.
Good luck, guys!!!
Tara! Thanks for the coverage of the garden! Speaking of coverage, just to let you know, tonight I'm going to have to cover the toms! It's going to freeze. I know. Depressing! Such is gardening in Laramie.
ReplyDeleteFreeze?!?! It's 95 here today - Ugh!